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The Face You See is my debut novel as a writer. I was born and raised in California where I began volunteering with Youth Programs dedicated to helping teens find mentors. Remembering how lost and confused I was as a teenager gave me the conviction to help those who felt just as alone as I had. I eventually began working in Alaska doing much of the same work before going to Haiti and the Aleutian Islands to build houses, distribute food and medical supplies, as well as disaster relief. I met my husband while working abroad and eventually settled down in Canada where we now have three beautiful children. I am thankful I escaped the circumstances of my childhood but acknowledge the fact that not everyone has the opportunity; most are left with lingering scars. This series captures that complex moment when a person finds the courage to let go of the painful circumstances of their life, the people that hurt them, and the guilt they feel for leaving while crossing over to accept themselves. My passion has always been to help, to serve, and to protect young women. By writing what I believe are messages of encouragement to those who have been in similar situations to those I have experienced and worked with, I believe they can be given hope. In addition to being a writer, I am also a high school teacher and have always had a passion for books as well as writing stories.